
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dressing for Safety

Dressing for Safety
Just as important as the work space is how you dress when you are working on a PC. Don’t worry, you won’t need to invest in a new wardrobe just so that you can build a PC. Just follow these simple tips:
  • Wear cotton clothing and rubber-soled shoes (such as sneakers). These are best because they reduce the build-up of static charge.
  • Avoid loose clothing. Sleeves, collars, scarves, and ties are a bad idea, because they can catch on the edges of the equipment. The absolute best clothing for PC building is a boiler suit!
  • Be careful if you wear glasses. You don’t want your glasses falling into the workings of the PC. You can get an elasticized band, such as a sports band, that fits around them to hold them in place if they are a little loose and you’re worried about them falling off.
  • Remove all jewelry if at all possible. Jewelry such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and pendants can cause short circuits that can damage delicate components. If you have rings that you can’t or don’t want to remove, then cover them with insulating or surgical tape.
  • Put long hair in a ponytail or use hair clips. You don’t want that hair caught in anything!

  • Use thin cotton gloves. Cotton gloves come in handy if you are worried about touching something hot or with a sharp edge. Make sure that the gloves are cotton and not synthetic (the last thing you want is hot, melted nylon or polyester on your hands!).
  • Wear a barrier cream. A PC, no matter how short a period it has been switched on for, tends to gather dust and dirt quickly. This dust can be quite an effective skin irritant, so if you have sensitive skin, you might want to invest in a special barrier cream (a special cream available from hardware stores that you rub into your skin, which protects it from dust and chemicals, that you wash out when finished) to rub into your hands.Wash your hands after you’ve been working on a PC.

Creating a Safe Working Area

Another key to safety is a having a good working environment. There’s no need for you to dedicate a whole
room or garage to building a PC, but having a good workspace makes the job of building a PC safer and easier. Figure 1-1 shows the wrong environment for building a PC, and Figure 1-2 shows the right one.

Here are the top requirements of a good, safe working area:

  • Have an assigned work space and work area. Pick out the spot where you are going to work. Your work area is the place you’re going to be working in (corner of the living room, kitchen counter, bench in the garage), while the work space is the area you are going to be moving about in when working in the work area.
  • Find a large enough work area. The smallest work area we recommend is 3 ft by 2 ft. A table or bench is ideal. Ideally, you should be able to leave things on the bench or tablefor several hours of days until you are finished. If this isn’t possible, then make sure you have a space that you can pack everything away into when you’re done for the day.
 Throw a dust sheet over the project when you’re not working on it to keep contamination to a minimum.
  • Do not eat or drink around the PC as it is being built. A spilled soda or a poorly placedpeanut butter and jelly sandwich can cause a major setback, not to mention damage.
  • Set up a bright and well lit work area. Natural lighting is best because it is diffuse anddoesn’t cast harsh, dark shadows, but artificial lighting will do if you can’t work near abright window. Augment what lighting you have present with a good flashlight.

  • Be sure to have a power outlet nearby. Ideally, it should have a good grounding point nearby too (such as a water pipe or radiator).
  • Avoid working on carpeted surfaces, if possible. A carpeted work area increases the static electricity that you generate when walking about. However, if you can’t avoid this, don’t worry, we’ll show you how you can deal with static charge build-up in the section “Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)” later in this chapter.
  • Cover the work area with white paper. This makes it easier to see things like little screws when you drop them. Also, the white encourages you to be tidy and others to keep away!
  • Keep children and pets out of the work space.We agree that pets in the work space are a bad idea for a variety of reasons, but kids might be interested in what’s going on, and both you and your child might find the PC-building process interesting and educational. If so, then a good idea is to set up an observation area where they can watch what’s going on in safety and without getting in the way, messing about with things, or stepping on expensive electronics.
  • Keep all the tools and equipment you will need close at hand in the work area. The less you walk about, the less likely you are to knock stuff over or trip. Building a PC involves having cables and boxes in and around the work area. Be careful that these aren’t in places where you can trip over them.
  • Keep the work area tidy and clean and free from liquids. Liquids are especially nasty, as a small amount of liquid can go very far indeed!
  • Keep a small first aid kit and fire extinguisher nearby—just in case! Outfit your first aid kit to deal with small cuts, and make sure that you have plenty of bandages in the kit!

Friday, December 28, 2012

PC Personal Safety-Spinning Things

Spinning Things

Many people are surprised by the number of exposed “spinning” things that are inside a PC. These are fans of one sort of another, and most are quite unlike other fans that you have in your home because many, if not all, have no wire guard to keep your fingers away from them. However, there is little danger to fingers from the fans that live and work inside a PC. All of them will have blades made of light plastic, and while some might be big and spin quite fast (up to a rate of several thousand revolutions per minute), they have little power behind them. You would hardly be able to feel the blades hit you, let alone have them cause you any damage. In reality, the biggest danger from fans is getting your hair or clothing caught up in them. Keep your hair and clothing tidy, and keep them away from fans when they are in operation.

PC Personal Safety-Sharp Things

Sharp Things

The inside of even the best PC case contains a number of sharp metal edges and corners all waiting to catch you. There are some things that you can do to help reduce the number of sharps that are present  Choosing a Suitable Case and Power Supply,” and 13, “Assembling the Case and Fitting the , but no matter how carefully you choose a case and how much you try to remove edges, some will still remain (the edges and cornersof hard drives are particularly nasty!).
The best advice for working with sharp things? Take care and take your time.Working on a cool PC makes accidents from sharps less likely, too. Snatching your hand away from something hot is the number one cause of PC-related cuts, so it’s another good reason to give the system a cool-down period before setting to work on it.

Hot Things

Hot Things

Where there’s electricity, there’s usually heat. A PC that’s been switched on for a few minute scan generate a lot of heat, especially from the power supply, hard drives, and CPU, and thisheat can be enough to give you a nasty burn. Getting a burn on the back of your hand whiletrying to do something can be bad enough, but it can also mean that you drop things or knockagainst things and cause further damage to your hand or your PC.As a general rule of thumb, if a PC has been switched on for more than 5 minutes, then it’s a good idea to wait 5 minutes before setting to work inside it, and if it’s been on for an hour or more, then wait at least 10 minutes.Taking the side panels off the case will help it to cool down quicker.

   If you want to test for hot components, then a good trick is to use the back of your hand. By moving the back of your hand close to the metal surfaces, you have a good, safe way to judge how hot components are. This method is far better than using your fingertips, which you don’t want to burn because you’ll be needing them later, and it’s hard to work with a bandage on!

PC Personal Safety

Inside a PC is a whole host of dangers awaiting you. The four big, most serious dangers are:
  • High-voltage things
  • Hot things
  • Sharp things
  • Spinning things
There are also some other miscellaneous dangers that face you too, but before we come to them let’s take a
closer look at the big four.

High-Voltage Things

Without a doubt the biggest danger that you face when inside a PC is from high voltage. PCs are designed to take in voltage ranging from 110 volts to 250 volts, which is then converted into lower voltages that will be
used by the motherboard, hard drives, optical drives (CD or DVD drives), and other devices, such as fans, that all live and work inside the PC. It’s no joke or exaggeration to say that high voltage can kill. An electric shock in real life isn’t like it’s depicted in the movies where someone touches a live wire, is thrown 30 feet away and then gets up, face black, clothes smoldering but otherwise OK. According to the National Institutes of Health, some 1,000 people die in the United States each year because of electrocution. Electricity kills by stopping the heart and breathing, and it can kill instantly. If you are lucky enough to survive
contact with electricity, then you are likely to suffer from burns and nerve, muscle, and this sure damage.

          We’re not telling you this to scare you; on the contrary, we’re giving you the dangers straight so that you understand them and are able to know what is safe to do and what is not. Everything that we show or tell you in this this 100% tried, tested, and safe. Follow the instructions and you’ll be OK.If you are ever in any doubt, pause and reread the instructions.The best way to protect yourself from electrocution is to limit your exposure to electricity. Most of the time when you are working on your PC you don’t need it plugged into the electrical supply. That way, no power is going into the PC and the dangers of electrocution are eliminated. There may be times when you will want to run your PC without having the case all buttoned up. For example, you might want to check out whether all the fans inside the case are spinning properly. The best advice here is to keep your hands, head, and all hand tools out of the case. If you want to look at something, do so from a distance and use a flashlight to get a better view.

Whenever a PC is plugged into the electrical supply without having the case buttoned up, remember the old adage of “look but don’t touch.

”The biggest danger from electrocution comes after a PC has been plugged into the electrical supply and is then switched off. It’s very easy to forget that it’s been on and still connected and then set about to work inside. A visual marker that the PC is connected to the power outlet can be very handy. Here are two good techniques:
  • Tape a fluorescent bit of plastic, paper, or fabric to the power connector. You’ll find thepower connector at the back of the PC. By taping something to the power connector,you have a handy visual reminder that your PC is still plugged in and live. Unplug thepower socket from the back of the PC, and you make it safe again.
  • Equip your workplace with a hanger for the PC power cable. For this, a bent over bit ofwire will do just fine. Make this a visible spot, and remember to hang the power cord onthe hanger when working inside the PC (the fluorescent plastic, paper, or fabric tagmakes it even easier to spot when the PC is safe!).
The following list includes additional safety tips:
  • Let others know what you are doing. It always helps if everyone else is clear about whatyou are doing. This way those around you will be appreciative of the risks that you aretaking and hopefully ease off any practical jokes (those “pretend” electric shock gags getreal old, real fast, anyway). Also, this way you get other people to keep an eye on youwhile you are working just in case anything does go wrong.
  • Keep liquids away from the PC work area. Spilling water or other liquids into a PC cancause short circuits and electrocution, as can working in a wet or damp environment.Wet rags, tools, and work surfaces can also conduct electricity. Keep liquids away fromthe work area, and keep the area clean and dry.
  • Use insulated electrical tools. These tools are the types that have a rubber or plastichandle that can’t conduct electricity. No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen.These tools can offer you protection against accidents but shouldn’t be used as asubstitute for taking the proper safety steps.
Not all plastic or rubber handled tools offer protection from electricity. If you want to buy safety tools then make sure that the handle clearly states that the tool is insulated and also what the rating is (usually “electricians” tools protect the user from up to 1,000 or 10,000 volts, depending on the quality of the tool).
Chapter 2, “Choosing the Tools You Need,” takes a more detailed look at the tools you should be using to build your PC.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Keeping your Mac as a new

If you have an iMac or laptop MacBook, you'll probably want to keep looking for a good team stylized. Many people buy Mac is not only sufficient but also a stylish look for a car that goes with it: Here are some tips for keeping your Mac again.

Keep the screen clean high priority. The place where all your data and media files are displayed. One option is to buy a cleaning solution, you should be able to remove the dust and dirt that accumulates easily. Quality Monster iClean, that even some of Genius bars are used to clean computer screens, however, as long as you use the product is safe and does not contain alcohol or acetone glass, you should be good to go. House of licorice plain white vinegar.

If you have a cleaning solution that will find the clothes you want to achieve? Piece you choose should be flexible so that you can not scratch it. Do not spray any liquid as it may cause damage to the electronic display components directly. This is especially true in portable keyboards and microphones connected to the screen. Instead, spray your clothes with detergent, then wipe the screen.

The same procedure can also be used for cleaning solution and clean the track pad, or if you have any of your Bluetooth-enabled laptop track pad for your desktop.

Another element is that you'll probably want to clean the keyboard is not a secret that should get a lot of keyboards and, therefore, can get very dirty. By the way, Keyboards bacteria can hide a lot. You can find at any grocery store cleaning with disinfectant wipes: Before cleaning the keyboard, however, make sure that it is disabled on your Mac laptop cleaning machine, make sure it is turned off. As electronics laptop keyboard with extra care when using one of the best to use a wet cloth. You do not want to get some kind of liquid on the keyboard. One way to eliminate waste in compressed air keyboard, which is accessible for cleaning keyboards and office supply stores.

Keep your Mac clean and shiny look is a priority, when you have a good team. It may not be a big job, and not only relatively inexpensive equipment to look like new, but can not guarantee that it will work well.

The use of Ethernet cables

Make sure that your commercial or private network Ethernet cables

When computer networks network (LAN) to a standard protocol Ethernet. Also, you will see that there are two types of Ethernet cable available. You can buy all the cables and wiring harnesses. Manifestations are one unit containing a screw of a child with the connector on the end of the main part is the variety sold in coils or drums. This kind of combines all the cables, capable of high signal integrity, Twisted.

As a result, the network with an Ethernet cable to the high quality of its Internet users and network services. In addition, there are a number of conditions that are involved, including cable construction, operation, Ethernet type, attributes, rules and technical evaluation.

Even a standard Ethernet cable is not easily broken, because it is flexible enough to handle the repetitive bending this way, it is believed that this type of cable is a reasonable price to the consumer.

Even when the cable is exposed to extreme conditions, are ideal for home use, a number of applications, including audio, camera / image, computer networks, telecommunications, video, and other related applications.

If you use an Ethernet cable to your home or office, and it is important to know the type, you must:

If you meet or exceed the minimum standards, then you must select the correct type depending on the type of network cable is used. The most common varieties Cat3, Cat5, Cat5e and Cat6, so it is important to know the difference between the different types and their various applications. You can also use RG6 for cable television networks. However, the fiber-optic cable can be integrated into the system to correct violations of the network and the noise.

Finally, back in the background, the Ethernet cable is to prevent and eliminate crosstalk signals in different network, that is. Crosstalk and other noise cause additional disturbances, signal attenuation. Networks, which eliminated the problem Ethernet and other annoying problems. Keep in mind, and do not forget the importance of this issue in the trade network, issues and problems that can lead to loss of investments and other features.

The role of IT services and business development

The main goal is to use information technology for business development of national technology solutions, services, IT services is very important for any business, so their technology department. More established companies in general, most companies can not afford to work in the IT department, and it is very expensive and technicians of computing and technology to keep them on the payroll at all times. For this reason, the company plans to hire a service provider, annual fees, which are fully serviced.

Why is the National IT services.
Different companies need different types of services. Company type of computer that can be rented for support depends on the type of business you are and the type of technology before, for example, if you have a business at home, you need a computer now national coverage. Otherwise, every time your company is facing a technical problem in another city, far away from the area of ​​IT services company, you will not get a quick fix. In addition, the coverage your company offers a decent wage to confirm as soon as possible.

Methods that can help your business services in the country.

• adopt appropriate business, so you can meet the needs of the market
• Be aware of the latest trends and technologies in business
• Assessment of business process management
• Business, navigation, according to today's competitive environment.
• Training activities in accordance with company goals.
• Discover the business objectives
• Your new business opportunities
• maintaining a level of quality
• Improving the efficiency of the company and employees.
• Technical and Troubleshooting

Support services provided by national IT services

• Diagnosis and crew
• Maintenance of equipment
• Control of operating systems, including Microsoft `, Linux and Apple OS
• Manage and support programs
• Compatible with wireless networks
• Install and use the VoIP service
• Survey and project planning
• Ensure that the installation and service of audiovisual services
Some of the benefits of national IT services
• Simple, convenient, and at the point at which he outlined the business strategy
• timely resolution of operational and strategic objectives.
• Improved implementation of business processes
• maximize use of limited resources.
• Quick response to the challenges of sustainable
• 24/7 staff to meet customer needs
• See the item for delivery issues, billing, and technical support.
• Additional staff to manage redundancy

In fact, a national IT services business to help support the planning and implementation of strategies to get the best results.

Important considerations for the purchase of computer equipment

In the modern era of technology has made our lives comfortable and very rapid technological contributed greatly to the increase in the speed of modern life. He is not only to help people change their lifestyle, but also contributed to my life much easier. Technology has a number of issues related to human life, and e-science is one of the most important are: the development of information and is considered one of the revolutionary inventions in history with a single click, and some of the most difficult problems in the world can end in an instant;

Although the absolute value of the overall performance of the team can be improved by using a set of computer accessories. These additives can be obtained by using the full potential of their programs and functions. Buy computer accessories can be a daunting task for some. There are several good reasons that you should follow to get the best accessories

1 Budget
When shopping for accessories, it is important to avoid breaking the bank if you have a fixed budget for the budget, then search for items in the price limit. Opportunities within a predetermined budget is very low, so you can save a few dollars, it is necessary that the end products are always high quality products, there are some good shopping sites online that can offer high quality your budget. , So creative in choosing a supplier, due to financial difficulties.

2. Mark
This is also an important factor that needs proper care and feeding of the first to gather sufficient knowledge about the various brands that are known for manufacturing the accessories you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for a video card, you can find well-known manufacturers of video cards.

3. Style
Computer accessories which help the look of your computer on the Internet must be considered in the direction too. You should make sure that the style does not spoil the overall appearance of the device additions will be extended. Also, make sure that you have a style to suit your needs and requirements.

So when you go to the relevant computer accessories, make sure that you have enough points to pay attention to buy above

How to create a server room

Server room, which is also known as computer rooms, which are an integral part of all enterprise servers. They must be designed and installed properly to maximize the space in the room, and to ensure that all equipment is kept at the right temperature, so that it works properly. This article provides some tips and tricks on how to plan and design a server room.

Make a plan

The first step is to design a server room, so that the whole room. Use tape to accurately calculate the width, height and length of the room. Make sure to mark the special room or dysfunction, including access points, sockets and windows.

You can use these steps to create a plan to expand the paper and pencil to mark the features of the program, so it can easily be changed as needed. Another option is to use a specially designed piece of software that allows you to enter the examination room to create 3D-images. This program can be downloaded from the Internet or buy some shops providing great equipment.

E-mail marketing

Now is the time to write each piece of equipment is necessary for your server room. Ultimately, it depends on your budget and the total number of servers needed to fix the level of production. Do not forget to take into account additional elements, such as cables, racks, server cabinets and doors.

It is very important to develop the type of air conditioner to keep the room cool. There is a wide range of air conditioners on the market to meet all needs and budgets. Air conditioners can also be self-contained, wall or ceiling.


If you have a list, you are ready to start drawing on his team reduced the plan, you should try to answer all your items correctly. Make sure to leave enough space to access all areas that need. Think also of the access points to the room to make sure that you have enough space for the team in the fourth.

Purchase of equipment

After the completion of your project is ready to buy a team to choose a reputable company that will provide reliable and quality equipment that is built to last. You can also hire someone to install the equipment for you. Most large companies are able to offer this service with a professional installation specialist to buy their equipment can accommodate your server room, more quickly and efficiently, while providing the best design for your team.

Demand for high-tech solutions

In today's market, the latest technology solutions and services for small and medium enterprises, previously available only to companies with millions of dollars. The most competent IT consulting firms, certified network engineers have years of experience in technical and strategic partnership that will provide the best solutions for your business.

Increased demand for technological solutions, disaster recovery and network support.

Disaster Recovery

If you own a business or run any other business, you know that your business data is critical to your success, but it also serves as a competitive advantage to compete in the industry. In the fast-paced world, it is not enough to get access to the data in your office. Unlike most companies need to access data from mobile devices and applications in the cloud. What happens if there is, if you have an emergency or loss of data can not be restored within a certain period of time.

In other words, what about disaster recovery - protecting your data in case of an emergency or natural or man-made, and then click Create. Frankly, it's always better to invest in proven, because in the long run is much more affordable, and the world at your company does not go bankrupt because of a computer failure. For example, a 2008 study conducted by Gartner Group found that 78% of the company went bankrupt within a year after suffering a mistake, which lasted more than 48 hours.

Network Support

The technology is not 100% effective IT services, everyone knows it's time to break. Thus, there should be a pause of the owners and managers may designate a staff member to monitor your network or company in computer services is very complex and can provide maintenance and 24x7 support network so that you can sleep at night.

Please note that some companies may try to confuse the wise words, they do not realize that in order to sell more services that may be required. In many cases, do not hesitate to request a free consultation in plants certified by an engineer to assess their technical solutions and more informed. In fact, many technology vendors take time to understand your needs and business objectives in order to customize a solution that delivers and exceeds your expectations. The aim is to focus on your heart a business, not technology.